Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kanberra Gel Great For Storage & Air Conditioning Duct

We recently took on a distributorship for Kanberra Gel here at  Many of you have trusted me for years with your mechanical and Vacuflush questions.  Allow me too recommend Kanberra gel for your boat/yachts storage and air conditioning systems.  This product does an excellent job of eliminating mold, mildew, bacteria and many common viruses.  I have customers putting the containers in the head to eliminate sanitation line odors as well as that rotten egg smell(that by the way comes from red pop being put in the fresh water tank during winterizing).  This product is based with all natural Tea Tree Oils.  Simply set a container on the galley table, dresser, in a closet, etc.  The enzymes will dissipate through the space and eliminate mold and mildew spores as well as bacteria on a molecular level.  The canister will empty to about a pea size in a few weeks however the affects will last for up to 3 months.  Place the container in the air conditioning systems return air stream and allow the enzymes to permeate through the duct work eliminating mold, mildew, bacteria as well dust mites.  A very mild pleasant aroma ensues.  www.marinediscounters carries the 2 oz. size good for head and closet spaces.  The 4 oz. is good for boats 20 ft. and under.  The 4 oz. is good for boats 40 ft. and under and boats over 40 ft. will uses multiple containers.  For the discerning yachtsman scoop out the product and place in a container in light sconces, etc.  For more details check there web site at then come back to for your usual best prices. 
  This is just one of many new product offerings coming soon.  As always, only the best quality, proven products will get my personal endorsement.
  Be sure to call and ask about the high quality air conditioning filters and coil cleaners you will see at

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