Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Should I thin my bottom paint?

A question I get almost daily this time of year. "should I thin my ablative bottom paint"? Answer: For 30 yrs. I always have thinned ablative bottom paint but by no more than 10%. Not only that but I love to paint when the temp. is between 25 and 40 degrees. The paint flows better because solvents don't evaporate out so fast however drying times become much longer. This means you use less paint and here in Ohio "it aint goin nowhere soon." Thin with Mineral spirits.  I use Woolsey bottom paints as of the last 6 years, available at www.marinediscounters.com .  Before that I was using the Petitt unipoxy and Trinadad ablative bottom paints.  Petitt now makes our Woolsey brand for us so one can save substantial money by using the Woolsey paints.  Drop by www.marinediscounters.com to find all your bottom paints including Interlux products and VC17 at the lowest prices.

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